With my work, I am interested in the complexity of montage and the plurality of relationships between the different spaces within the space of the work. I understand the pictorial space and the exhibition space in the same way: as a multi-dimensional space within which there are a multitude of other interconnected spaces. These connections are based on a variation of relationships, sometimes involving conflict, tension or harmony between spaces.
The drawing is integrated into the painting, the sheet is glued to the canvas.
The painting melts into the drawing.
Pictorial space in movement.
The painted canvas is present on the wall and on the ground, it occupies the space, takes possession of it, inhabits it. The forms it takes vary, it becomes flat, in volume, hangs, drags, unfolds, inflates and spreads: it is in all its states. How to make painting and drawing exist in space and how space makes them exist.
Sometimes in the form of a mental cartography, sometimes represented by a game of tic-tac-toe or a checkerboard, the binarity of the artist's daily life as a person confronted with the successes and failures of life is exposed in a relaxed and absurd way. From painting to drawing through installation, my noisy pictorial explorations build and deconstruct space according to the compositions and colors.
My pictorial research is also articulated around the questions of the topicality of painting today and its stakes, but also in a broader way to the new stakes of the artistic creation in this period of health crisis.
Demonstrating poetry and self-mockery, my pictorial universe, very colorful to the point of becoming variegated, remains polysemic and sensitive.
My works are available for purchase.
Contact me for inquiries.
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